These tables lists common packages that I use and a brief description of what they do. A quick search can find documentation and examples for all of these. I have roughly divided them into categories.
Package | Functionality |
amsfonts | Special fonts for typesetting mathematics |
amssymb | Adds many symbols for math modes. |
amsmath | Contains mathematics extensions. Almost always used if there is mathematics in document. |
amsthm | Adds a proof environment and the \theoremstyle command. |
bm | Use bold font for math symbols. |
cancel | Allows striking out of mathematical expressions |
Package | Functionality |
pgfplots | Plotting package. |
pgfplotstable | Reads tab-separated numerical tables from input and produces tables. |
float | Allows custom placement of floats. |
graphicx | Allows importation of external pictures. |
epstopdf | Converts .eps files to .pdf and then imports them into document. |
TikZ/GF | Advanced drawing package. |
subcaption/caption | Use for subfigures and subcaptions in floats. |
multirow/multicolumn | Enhances table options. |
Package | Functionality |
rotating | Use for landscape pages. |
babel | Allows internationalization of LaTeX, can be loaded in any document and accepts the main language as an argument. A good idea to use in any document. |
inputenc | Choose encoding of input text. Helps when writing LaTeX in non-English languages. |
ulem | Allows underlining of text. |
enumerate | Allows enumeration by various symbols. |
geometry | Page management and layout. |
hypperref | Link within document or to outside URL. |
appendix | Modify typesetting of appendix titles. |
natbib | Advanced bibliography options. |
color | Enhanced support for colored text. |
verbatim | Allows code input and WYIWG-type input. |
titlesec | Manage look and spacing of section delineations. |