![]() Research & PublicationsPUBLISHED PAPERS: "Equal but Inequitable: Who Benefits from Gender-Neutral Tenure Clock Stopping Policies," (with Kelly Bedard and Jenna Stearns), American Economic Review, 108 (9), 2018, 2420-2441. "Peer Effects in Disadvantaged Primary Schools: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment," (with Ozkan Eren and Serkan Ozbeklik), Journal of Human Resources, 51 (1), January 2016, 95-132. "Career and Family Choices Among Elite Liberal Arts Graduates," Demography, 52 (4), August 2015, 1089-1120. "The Effect of Teacher Gender on Student Achievement in Primary School," (with Ozkan Eren and Serkan Ozbeklik), Journal of Labor Economics, 33 (1), January 2015, 63-89. "Bias in the Legal Profession: Self-Assessed versus Statistical Measures of Discrimination," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark and Eric Helland), Journal of Legal Studies, 43 (2), June 2014, 323-357. "The Effect of Teach for America on the Distribution of Student Achievement in Primary School: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment," (with Ozkan Eren and Serkan Ozbeklik), Economics of Education Review, 37, December 2013, 113-125. "Do Psychosocial Traits Help Explain Gender Segregation in Young People's Occupations?" (with Deborah Cobb-Clark), Labour Economics, 21, April 2013, 59-73. "Labor Supply Differences Between Married Heterosexual Women and Partnered Lesbians: A Semi-Parametric Decomposition Approach," (with Michael Steinberger), Economic Inquiry, 51(1), January 2013, 783-805. "The Early Decision Option in College Admission and its Impact on Student Diversity," (with Janet Kiholm Smith), Journal of Law and Economics, 55 (1), February 2012, 217-249. "The Opt-Out Revolution: Recent Trends in Female Labor Supply," Research in Labor Economics, 33, 2011, 45-83. "The Effect of Community-Level Socio-Economic Conditions on Threatening Racial Encounters," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40 (6), November 2010, 517-529. "Racial Harassment, Job Satisfaction and Intentions to Remain in the Military," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark), Journal of Population Economics, 22 (3), July 2009, 713-738. "Gender-Biased Behavior at Work: What Can Surveys Tell Us About the Link Between Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination?" (with Vanessa Barcus and Deborah Cobb-Clark), Journal of Economic Psychology, 30 (5), October 2009, 782-792. "The Sexual Orientation Wage Gap: The Role of Occupational Sorting and Human Capital," (with Anneke Jong and Michael Steinberger), Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 61 (4), July 2008, pp. 518-543. "Racial and Ethnic Harassment in Local Communities," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark), Journal of Urban Economics, 64 (2), September 2008, 496-509. "Identity and Racial Harassment," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 66 (3), June 2008, 529-557. "Does Single Parenthood Increase the Probability of Teenage Promiscuity, Drug Use and Crime?" (with Kelly Bedard), Journal of Population Economics, 20 (1), February 2007, 55-71. "Assimilation via Prices or Quantities? Labor Market Institutions and Immigrant Earnings Growth in Australia, Canada, and the United States," (with Peter Kuhn and Stephen Trejo), Journal of Human Resources, 41 (4), Fall 2006, 821–840. "The Sexual Harassment of Female Active-Duty Personnel: Effects on Job Satisfaction and Intentions to Remain in the Military," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 61 (1), September 2006, 55-80. "Unhealthy Assimilation: Do Immigrants Converge to American Weights?" (with Kelly Bedard), Demography, 43 (2), May 2006, 337-360. "The History of Selective Immigration in Australia, Canada, and the United States," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark and Stephen Trejo), Brussels Economic Review, Special Issue on Skilled Migration, 47 (1), Spring 2004, 45-56. "The Racial Wage Gap: The Importance of Labor Force Attachment Differences Across Black, Mexican, and White Men," (with Kelly Bedard), Journal of Human Resources, 39 (2), Spring 2004, 564-583. "The Changing Nature of Employment-Related Sexual Harassment: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Government (1978-1994)." (with Deborah Cobb-Clark), Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 57 (3), April 2004, 443-461. "Does Sexual Harassment Training Change Attitudes? A View from the Federal Level," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark), Social Science Quarterly, 84 (4), December 2003, 826-842. "New Evidence on Culture and the Gender Wage Gap: A Comparison Across Ethnic Origin Groups," Research in Labor Economics, 22, 2003, 451-468. "Immigration Policy and the Skills of Immigrants to Australia, Canada, and the United States," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark and Stephen Trejo), Journal of Human Resources, 38 (1), Winter 2003, 192-218. "The Relative Earnings of Young Mexican, Black, and White Women," (with Kelly Bedard), Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 56 (1), October 2002, 122-135. "Why is there Inter-Ethnic Variation in the Gender Wage Gap? The Role of Cultural Factors," Journal of Human Resources, 36 (1), Winter 2001, 119-143. "Men, Women, and Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military," (with Deborah Cobb-Clark), Gender Issues, 19 (1), Winter 2001, 3-18. "Gender as an Impediment to Labor Market Success: Why do Young Women Report Greater Harm?", (with Peter Kuhn), Journal of Labor Economics, 18 (4), October 2000, 702-728. "An Examination of Cross-Country Differences in the Gender Gap in Labor Force Participation Rates," Labour Economics, 7 (4), July 2000, 409-426. "Employment Equity Programs and the Job Search Outcomes of Unemployed Men and Women: Actual and Perceived Effects," (with Peter Kuhn), Canadian Public Policy, 25 (S1), November 1999, S27-S46. |