Deliberate giving, loving its very loss,
Finding the city’s surrender late and sweet,
Enter her opening heart, lead her sure feet
To follow spring that spreads a nuptial bed:
Cunningly work with nets to spread across
The path her feet will follow. Lightly
With gossamers, for bridal, veil her pure head.
And drown her eyes with magian dream
Of blossoms falling, in the slow stream
Of the laden wind, the wind that nightly
Blows the invisible hosts of fairy wings
Seeding the moonbeams--the wind that brings
Lovers the sigh suppressed, the word unuttered.
O penitent wind, that thus contritely
Causes my heart to bloom; for all you've plundered
Of Spring's first blossoms. Let the candles spluttered
By your gusty breath be all vowed now to love.
Blow me with gentlest cheeks her whisper: "My love."


Happy mother, gathering your sons,
One on each knee, heads pillowed soft,
For comfort in your arms to rest
Upon the rhythmic heart’s pulse of your bosom.

I, whom the uneasy chance of life
Whirled in the listless round of sense
To where my eyes might see my heart,
Might feel the pull of love’s own star.

I kneel, assoiled of doubt and fear,
Lightened of my own heavy load,
Fixing my trust in your eyes’ quiet shine,
A wanderer, praying long at Mary’s shrine.


Kind-eyed people, kinsmen,
Amiable, gentle folk and forgiving --
Receive me, a wanderer from you
Receive me, returning.
Wonderful, gentle folk, calm-eyed,
Always with a smile, though faces are lined,
And eyes are sometimes deeply somber,
Give me, long an exile, your faith again.
You that are wise in the oldest wisdom, endow me
With your rich simplicity.
Here in these blue?grassed plains and lime-stone hills,
In these blessed valleys where trees noble and straight
Inspire tall men and true women to raise them sons,
Here let me stay awhile for strength and faith,
And at the end be gathered to my fathers' God,
To rest here in peace.

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