Monday, May 4
Millikan 213
(Pomona College), 3:30 PM
Title: Normed algebras of differentiable functions on compact plane sets
Let K be a compact subset of the plane. It is very well known
that C(K), the linear space of all continuous functions on K is a
Banach algebra for the pointwise product and the uniform norm, | . |_K.
Several closed subalgebras of C(K), called P(K), R(K), and A(K) have
been much studied. I shall recall their definitions and properties,
which depend on the nature of the set K.
In the case where K is perfect, there
is a very natural concept of f being continuously differentiable on K,
with derivative f '. Now the natural norm on the space of these
functions is || f || = |f|_K +|f '|_K, and in this way we obtain a
normed algebra. But now our algebra is not necessarily complete. We
shall discuss when it is complete - and what its completion is when it
is not complete - in terms of the geometry of K.
This talk should be accessible to students who know what a normed space is. The talk is based on joint work with Joel Feinstein of Nottingham.