Claremont Graduate University | Claremont McKenna | Harvey Mudd | Pitzer | Pomona | Scripps

Claremont Colleges Analysis Seminar

Mario Martelli
  Claremont Graduate University

Monday, February 23
  Millikan 213 (Pomona College), 3:00 PM
Abstract in PDF

          (0.1)          \ddot \varphi +\ddot \theta = - \frac{3(B-A)}{2C}(\frac{a}{r})\sp 3 \sin 2\varphi
         The analysis of (0.1) will be the main part of our discussion. This seminar is based on a collaborative work with Massimo Furi
         (University of Florence, Italy) and Adam Landsberg (Joint Science of CMC, Pitzer and Scripps). The work will appear in the Journal
         of Fixed Point Theory and Applications.