Curriculum Vitae
Lenny Fukshansky
Department of Mathematics
Claremont McKenna College
850 Columbia Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 607 - 0014
(909) 621 - 8419
- Citizenship: USA
- Born in
Leningrad, Russia
- Fluent in
Russian (native) and English languages
- Member of
AMS (American Mathematical Soicety)
- Founding
member of AMR (Association for Mathematical Research)
- Ph.D. in
Mathematics, August 2004
of Texas at Austin
Advisor: Prof. J.
D. Vaaler
Algebraic points of small height with additional arithmetic
- B.S. in
Applied Mathematics with Specialization in Computing, 1995
of California at Los Angeles
Professional Experience
- Professor,
Claremont McKenna College, May 2015 - present
- Chair of
the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Claremont McKenna
College, July 2012 - July 2014
- Associate
Professor (with tenure), Claremont McKenna College, December
2009 - May 2015
- Member
of Extended Graduate Faculty, Claremont Graduate
University, July 2007 - present
- Assistant
Professor, Claremont McKenna College, July 2007 - December
- Visiting
Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, September 2004
- August 2007
- Assistant
Instructor and Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at
Austin, September 1998 - August 2004
- Teaching
Assistant, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Spring 1998
- Software
Engineer, IBM, General Magic, Compuware, and Compaq
corporations, 1995 - 1998
Visiting Positions
- Oberwolfach
Research Institute for Mathematics, Research in Pairs Program,
July/August 2017
- Erwin
Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics,
Vienna, Austria, October/November 2014
- Institut
Mittag-Leffler (IML), Djursholm, Sweden, July/August 2013
- Max
Planck Institut für Mathematik (MPIM), Bonn, Germany, July
- Institut
des Hautes Etudes Scientifique (IHES), Bures-sur-Yvette,
France, October/November 2010
- Max
Planck Institut für Mathematik (MPIM), Bonn, Germany, June
- Institut
des Hautes Etudes Scientifique (IHES), Bures-sur-Yvette,
France, July 2007
- Max
Planck Institut für Mathematik (MPIM), Bonn, Germany,
July/August 2006
Invited Research Visits
Zürich, Switzerland, 1 week in October 2018
Zürich, Switzerland, 1 week in November 2014
- Wesleyan
University, Middletown, CT, USA, 1 week in July 2011
- Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore, 2 weeks in May 2009
- Wesleyan
University, Middletown, CT, USA, 2 weeks in July/August 2008
Research Interests
Number theory, arithmetic geometry, discrete
and convex geometry, in particular:
- Diophantine
approximation, equations, and problems
- Classical
and adelic geometry of numbers
- Quadratic
and linear forms; polynomials
- Theory of
height functions, rational points on varieties, Mahler's
measure, and connections with arithmetic geometry
- Geometric
combinatorics, lattice point counting, Erhart polynomial
- Lattices,
packings and coverings, linear Diophantine problem of
- Small
zeros of quadratic forms with linear conditions, Journal of Number Theory, vol. 108 no. 1
(2004), pg. 29-43
- Lattice
points in homogeneously expanding compact domains, One section of the omnibus Problems Article
"Problems from the Cottonwood Room" (M. Beck, B. Chen, L.
Fukshansky, C. Haase, A. Knutson, B. Reznick, S. Robins, A.
Schuermann), Contemporary Mathematics 374
(2005), 179-191, Proceedings of the Summer 2003 AMS/MAA/SIAM
Conference on Integer Points in Polyhedra
- Integral
points of small height outside of a hypersurface, Monatshefte für Mathematik, vol. 147 no.
1 (2006), pg. 25-41
- Siegel's
lemma with additional conditions, Journal
of Number Theory, vol. 120 no. 1 (2006), pg. 13-25
- (with
Sinai Robins) Frobenius problem and
the covering radius of a lattice, Discrete
and Computational Geometry, vol. 37 no. 3 (2007), pg.
- On
effective Witt decomposition and Cartan-Dieudonné theorem, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 59
no. 6 (2007), pg. 1284-1300
- Small
zeros of quadratic forms over the algebraic closure of Q, International Journal of Number Theory,
vol. 4 no. 3 (2008), pg. 503-523
- On
distribution of well-rounded sublattices of Z^2, Journal of Number Theory, vol. 128 no. 8
(2008), pg. 2359-2393
- On
similarity classes of well-rounded sublattices of Z^2, Journal of Number Theory, vol. 129 no. 10
(2009), pg. 2530-2556
- Search
bounds for zeros of polynomials over the algebraic closure of
Q, Rocky Mountain Journal
of Mathematics, vol. 39, no. 3 (2009), pg. 789-804
- Effective
structure theorems for symplectic spaces via height, in "Quadratic forms -- algebra, arithmetic, and
geometry" (R. Baeza, W.K. Chan, D.W. Hoffmann, and R.
Schulze-Pillot, eds.), Contemporary Mathematics 493 (2009),
pg. 117--130
- Integral
orthogonal bases of small height for real polynomial spaces, Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics,
vol. 4 (2009), art. 7, 10 pp.
- (with Wai
Kiu Chan) Small zeros of hermitian
forms over quaternion algebras, Acta
Arithmetica, vol. 142 no. 3 (2010), pg. 251--266
- Algebraic
points of small height missing a union of varieties, Journal of Number Theory, vol. 130 no. 10
(2010), pg. 2099--2118 -- an earlier version of this paper
also appears in the MPIM Preprint Series
- (with D.
Moore, A. Ohana, W. Zeldow) On
well-rounded sublattices of the hexagonal lattice, Discrete Mathematics, vol. 310 no.
23 (2010), pg. 3287--3302
- Revisiting
the hexagonal lattice: on optimal lattice circle packing, Elemente der Mathematik, vol. 66 no. 1
(2011) pg. 1--9
- (with
Sinai Robins) Bounds for solid angles
of lattices of rank three, Journal
of Combinatorial Theory A, vol. 118 no. 2 (2011), pg.
- (with
Achill Schuermann) Bounds on
generalized Frobenius numbers, European
Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 32 no. 3 (2011) pg.
- (with
Kate Petersen) On well-rounded ideal
lattices, International Journal of
Number Theory, vol. 8 no. 1 (2012) pg. 189--206
- (with G.
Henshaw, P. Liao, M. Prince, X. Sun, S. Whitehead) On integral well-rounded lattices in the plane, Discrete and Computational Geometry, vol.
48 no. 3 (2012), pg. 735--748
- (with
Iskander Aliev and Martin Henk) Generalized
Frobenius numbers: bounds and average behavior, Acta Arithmetica, vol. 155 no. 1 (2012),
pg. 53--62
- (with G.
Henshaw, P. Liao, M. Prince, X. Sun, S. Whitehead) On well-rounded ideal lattices - II, International Journal of Number Theory, vol.
9 no. 1 (2013) pg. 139--154
- Heights
and quadratic forms: on Cassels' theorem and its
generalizations, in "Diophantine
methods, lattices, and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms"
(W. K. Chan, L. Fukshansky, R. Schulze-Pillot, and J. D.
Vaaler, eds.), Contemporary Mathematics, AMS vol. 587
(2013), pg. 77--94
- (with
Glenn Henshaw) Lattice point counting
and height bounds over number fields and quaternion algebras, Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics,
vol. 8 (2013), art. 4, 20 pp.
- Well-rounded
zeta-function of planar arithmetic lattices, Proceedings of the American Mathematical
Society, vol. 142 no. 2 (2014), pg. 369--380
- (with Wai
Kiu Chan and Glenn Henshaw) Small
zeros of quadratic forms missing a union of varieties, Transactions of the AMS, vol. 366 no. 10
(2014), pg. 5587--5612
- (with
Hiren Maharaj) Lattices from elliptic
curves over finite fields, Finite
Fields and Their Applications, vol. 28 (July 2014), pg.
- (with Xun
Sun) On the geometry of cyclic
lattices, Discrete and
Computational Geometry, vol. 52 no. 2 (2014), pg.
- Stability
of ideal lattices from quadratic number fields, The Ramanujan Journal, vol. 37 no. 2
(2015), pg. 243--256
- (with
Albrecht Boettcher, Stephan Garcia, and Hiren Maharaj) Toeplitz determinants with perturbations in the
corners, Journal of Functional
Analysis, vol. 268 no. 1 (2015), pg. 171--193
- (with
Albrecht Boettcher, Stephan Garcia, and Hiren Maharaj) On lattices generated by finite Abelian groups, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics,
vol. 29 no. 1 (2015), pg. 382--404
- (with
Stephan Garcia and Xun Sun) Permutation
invariant lattices, Discrete
Mathematics, vol. 338 no. 8 (2015), pg. 1536--1541
- Height
bounds on zeros of quadratic forms over Q-bar, Research in Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2
no. 1 (2015), art. 19, 26 pp.
- (with Wai
Kiu Chan and Glenn Henshaw) Totally
isotropic subspaces of small height in quadratic spaces, Advances in Geometry, vol. 16 no. 2
(2016), pg. 153--164
- (with
Albrecht Boettcher, Stephan Garcia, and Hiren Maharaj) Lattices from Hermitian function fields, Journal of Algebra, vol. 447 (2016), pg.
- (with
Albrecht Boettcher, Stephan Garcia, Hiren Maharaj, and Deanna
Needell) Lattices from tight
equiangular frames, Linear Algebra
and its Applications, vol. 510 (2016), pg. 395--420
- (with
Albrecht Boettcher, Stephan Garcia, and Hiren Maharaj) Lattices from Abelian groups,
in "Lattices and Applications in Number Theory," Oberwolfach
Reports, vol. 13 no. 1 (2016), pg. 87--154
- (with
Pavel Guerzhoy and Florian Luca) On
arithmetic lattices in the plane, Proceedings
of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 145 no. 4
(2017), pg. 1453--1465
- (with
Albrecht Boettcher) Addendum to:
Lattices from tight equiangular frames,
Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 531 (2017),
pg. 592--601
- (with
Albrecht Boettcher, Stephan Garcia, and Hiren Maharaj) Lattice theory and Toeplitz determinants, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications,
vol. 262 (2018), pg. 117--138
- (with
Adib Shaar) A new family of
one-coincidence sets of sequences with dispersed elements for
frequency hopping CDMA systems, Advances
in Mathematics of Communications, vol. 12 no. 1 (2018),
pg. 181--188
- (with
Nikolay Moshchevitin) On an effective
variation of Kronecker's approximation theorem avoiding
algebraic sets, Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society, vol. 146 no. 10 (2018),
pg. 4151--4163 -- an extended version of this paper
(also joint with O. German) appears in the Oberwolfach
preprint series
- (with
Deanna Needell and Benny Sudakov) An
algebraic perspective on integer sparse recovery, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.
340 (2019), pg. 31--42
- (with
Albrecht Boettcher, Simon Eisenbarth, Stephan Garcia, and
Hiren Maharaj) Spherical 2-designs
and lattices from Abelian groups, Discrete
and Computational Geometry, vol. 61 no. 1 (2019) pg.
- (with Wai
Kiu Chan) Small representations of
integers by integral quadratic forms,
Journal of Number Theory, vol. 201 (2019) pg. 40--52
- (with
Taoufiq Damir) Canonical basis twists
of ideal lattices from real quadratic number fields, Houston Journal of Mathematics, vol. 45
no. 4 (2019) pg. 999--1019
- (with
Deanna Needell, Josiah Park and Jessie Xin) Lattices from tight frames and vertex transitive
graphs, Electronic Journal of
Combinatorics, vol. 26 no. 3 (2019), P3.49, 30 pp.
- (with Ed
Shi) Positive semigroups and
generalized Frobenius numbers over totally real number fields, Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number
Theory, vol. 9 no. 1 (2020) pg. 29--41
- (with
Soren Aletheia-Zomlefer and Stephan Garcia) The Bateman-Horn conjecture: Heuristic, history,
and applications, Expositiones
Mathematicae, vol. 38 no. 4 (2020), pg. 430--479
- (with
Albrecht Boettcher) Representing
integers by multilinear polynomials,
Research in Number Theory, vol. 6 no. 4 (2020), Article
- (with
David Kogan) On the geometry of
nearly orthogonal lattices, Linear
Algebra and its Applications, vol. 629 (2021), pg.
- (with
Pavel Guerzhoy and Stefan Kuehnlein) On
sparse geometry of numbers, Research
in the Mathematical Sciences, vol. 8 no. 1 (2021),
Article #2
- (with
David Kogan) Cyclic and well-rounded
lattices, Moscow Journal of
Combinatorics and Number Theory, vol. 11 no. 1 (2022),
pg. 79--96
- (with
Maxwell Forst) Counting basis
extensions in a lattice, Proceedings
of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 150 no. 8
(2022), pg. 3199--3213
- (with
Siki Wang) Positive semigroups in
lattices and totally real number fields,
Advances in Geometry, vol. 22 no. 4 (2022), pg.
- (with
David Kogan) On average coherence of
cyclotomic lattices, Communications
in Mathematics, vol. 31 no. 1 (2023), pg. 57--72
- (with
Maxwell Forst) On zeros of
multilinear polynomials, Journal
of Number Theory, vol. 245 (2023), pg. 169--186
- (with
Alex Hsu) Covering point-sets with
parallel hyperplanes and sparse signal recovery, Discrete and Computational Geometry, vol.
69 no. 3 (2023), pg. 919--930
- (with
Camilla Hollanti) Euclidean lattices:
theory and applications,
Communications in Mathematics, vol. 31 no. 2 (2023) pg.
- (with
Maxwell Forst) On lattice extensions, Monatshefte fur Mathematik, vol. 203 no.
3 (2024) pg. 613--634
- (with
Maxwell Forst) On a new absolute
version of Siegel's lemma, Research
in the Mathematical Sciences, vol. 11 no. 1 (2024),
Article #10, 16 pp.
- (with
Pavel Guerzhoy and Tanis Nielsen) Deep
hole lattices and isogenies of elliptic curves, Research in Number Theory, vol. 10 no.2
(2024), Article #33, 12 pp.
- (with
Sehun Jeong ) Diophantine avoidance
and small-height primitive elements in ideals of number fields, Combinatorics and Number Theory, vol. 13 no.
4 (2024), pg. 333-350
- (with
Sehun Jeong ) Integral zeros of
quadratic polynomials avoiding sublattices, The Ramanujan Journal, vol. 66 no. 2 (2025), Paper no. 26, 10 pp.
- On lattice illumination of
smooth convex bodies, submitted for publication
- (with
Stephan Garcia) Geometric Number
Theory, under contract with Cambridge
University Press
- Communications
in Mathematics, an editor (2023 - present)
- Communications
in Mathematics, special issue on Euclidean lattices:
theory and applications (2023), guest editor
- Chebyshevskii
Sbornik, an editor (2019 - present)
- Online
Journal of Analytic Combinatorics, an editor (2013 - present)
- "Diophantine
methods, lattices, and arithmetic theory of quadratic forms"
-- proceedings of a BIRS workshop (Editors: W. K. Chan, L.
Fukshansky, R. Schulze-Pillot, J. D. Vaaler), Contemporary
Mathematics, AMS vol. 587 (2013)
Honors, Awards, Scholarships, Funding
- Institute
of Mathematical Sciences Award, Claremont Graduate University,
Fall 2022
- Avery
Teaching Fellow, Claremont Graduate University, Fall 2022
- Convocation
Speaker, Claremont McKenna College, September 2018
- Simons
Foundation Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians, 2017-2024
- National
Security Agency, Young Investigator Grant, 3/2015 - 3/2017
- Simons
Foundation Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians, 2013-2018
(terminated in 2015 due to NSA grant)
- National
Security Agency, Young Investigator Grant, 2/2012 - 2/2014
- Simons
Foundation Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians, 2011-2016
(terminated in 2012 due to NSA grant)
- Number
Theory Foundation conference grant: travel support for the
junior participants of a BIRS workshop, November 2011
- Faculty
Research Grants, Claremont McKenna College, multiple awards
2008 - present
- Senior
personnel on NSF grant DMS-0755540: REU program for Claremont
Colleges, 2008-2011
- Teaching
Resource Center mini-grant, Claremont McKenna College, Spring
travel grant for ICM 2006, August 2006
postdoctoral fellowship, Texas A&M University, 2004-2005
- Graduate
Research Assistanship, University of Texas at Austin,
Summer 2002
traveling support, University of Texas at Austin, December
- Dodd
Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Mathematics,
University of Texas at Austin, 2000
- First
year summer fellowship, Department of Mathematics, University
of Texas at Austin, 1999
- CalGrant
Scholarship, University Scholarship, and College of Letters
and Science Honors, UCLA, 1992-1993
Invited talks
- On
lattice extensions, (online talk)
Conference on Modern Problems of Number Theory, Sirius
University of Science and Technology, Sochi, Russia, (July
8-12, 2024)
- Deep hole
lattices and isogenies of elliptic curves, Southern Illinois University Conference on Pure
Mathematics, Carbondale, IL (May 16-17, 2024)
- Quadratic
forms and heights, Diophantine
Approximation online seminar, Independent University of Moscow
(May 11, 2024)
- On a new
version of Siegel's lemma, workshop on
"Diophantine Approximation, Dynamics and Related Topics", Yau
Center for Mathematical Sciences, Hainan, China (January 29 -
February 2, 2024)
- On a new
absolute version of Siegel's lemma,
ILAS Special Session on "Linear Algebra, Matrix Theory and its
Applications", JMM 2024, San Francisco, CA (January 3-6, 2024)
- A
geometric construction for integer sparse recovery, Combinatorics Forum, UCLA (October 26, 2023)
- Sparsity,
virtually rectangular lattices and elliptic curves, COGENT Seminar online (June 5, 2023)
- Geometric
constructions for sparse integer signal recovery, Probability and Statistics Seminar, USC (April
28, 2023)
- On sparse
geometry of numbers, Colloquium,
University of Houston (March 8, 2023)
- Covering
point-sets with parallel hyperplanes and sparse signal
recovery, AMS Special Session on
"Topology, Algebra and Geometry in the Mathematics of Data
Science", JMM 2023, Boston, MA (January 4-7, 2023)
- Sparsity,
virtually rectangular lattices and elliptic curves, AMS Special Session on "Quadratic Forms, Modular
Forms and Applications", JMM 2023, Boston, MA (January 4-7,
- Positive
semigroups in lattices and totally real number fields, AMS Special Session on "Number Theory at Non-PhD
Granting Institutions", JMM 2023, Boston, MA (January 4-7,
- Lattices
from group frames and vertex transitive graphs, Point Distributions Webinar (March 23, 2022)
- Geometric
constructions for sparse integer signal recovery, Combinatorics Seminar, UC Irvine (February 16,
- Geometric
constructions for sparse integer signal recovery, Workshop on Optimal Points Configurations on
Manifolds, Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Vienna, Austria
(January 17 - 21, 2022)
- Representing
integers by multilinear polynomials,
Selected Topics in Mathematics online seminar, University of
Liverpool, UK (October 29, 2021)
- On sparse
geometry of numbers, Diophantine
Analysis and Related Topics, online conference at Moscow State
University, Russia (May 31 - June 5, 2021)
- Representing
integers by multilinear polynomials,
Diophantine Analysis online seminar, Moscow State University,
Russia (April 8, 2021)
- Lattices
from group frames and vertex transitive graphs, Algebra Seminar, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, Florida (November 20, 2019)
- Heights
and quadratic forms, Colloquium,
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, Texas
(November 19, 2019)
- Lattices
from group frames and vertex transitive graphs, Combinatorics Seminar, University of Texas Rio
Grande Valley, Brownsville, Texas (November 18, 2019)
- Bounds on
linear forms and integer sparse recovery, Baikal Number Theory Conference, Olkhon Island,
Russia (August 26 - 30, 2019)
- Lattices
from group frames and vertex transitive graphs, Number Theory Seminar, Moscow State University,
Russia (August 23, 2019)
- Lattices
from group frames and vertex transitive graphs, Southern Illinois University Conference on Pure
Mathematics, Carbondale, IL (May 14 - 16, 2019)
- An
algebraic perspective on integer sparse recovery, Combinatorics Seminar, UCLA, (May 9, 2019)
- Bounding
linear forms on a lattice away from zero, Conference on the Arithmetic Theory of
Quadratic Forms, Seoul National University (January 7 -
11, 2019)
- Small
representations of integers by integral quadratic forms, Algebra, Number Theory, and Discrete Mathematics
Seminar, Cal State Northridge (November 14, 2018)
- An
algebraic perspective on integer sparse recovery, Combinatorics Seminar, USC, Los Angeles, CA
(October 31, 2018)
- An
algebraic perspective on integer sparse recovery, Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms Seminar, ETH
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (October 25, 2018)
- Lattices
generated by equiangular tight frames,
Workshop on Computational Challenges in the Theory of
Lattices, ICERM Brown (April 23 - 27, 2018)
- An
effective variation of Kronecker's approximation theorem, AMS Special Session: A Showcase of Number
Theory at Liberal Arts Colleges, San Diego, CA (January
10 - 11, 2018)
- On some
algebraic lattice constructions,
Number Theory Seminar, Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX (September 8, 2017)
- Solving
systems of quadratic equations over Q-bar, AMS Special Session: Numbers, Functions,
Transcendence and Geometry, Denton, TX (September 9 -
10, 2017)
- On two
constructions of extremal lattices,
Vilnius Conference in Combinatorics and Number Theory,
Vilnius, Lithuania (July 17 - 22, 2017)
- Lattices
generated by equiangular tight frames,
Combinatorics Seminar, UCLA, (June 1, 2017)
- On some
algebraic constructions of extremal lattices, Combinatorics Seminar, Caltech (February 22,
- On some
algebraic constructions of extremal lattices, Number Theory Seminar, UC Irvine (October 18,
- Lattices
from Abelian groups, spherical designs, and packing density
maxima, Operations Research Seminar,
Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (July 13, 2016)
- Generalized
Frobenius numbers: bounds and average behavior via geometric
techniques, International meeting on
numerical semigroups with applications, Levico Terme, Italy
(July 4 - 8, 2016)
- Well-rounded
lattices from algebraic constructions,
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey (June 8, 2016)
- Well-rounded
lattices from algebraic constructions,
ANTA Seminar, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland (June 5,
- On
arithmetic lattices in the plane,
Southern Illinois University Conference on Pure Mathematics,
Carbondale, IL (May 15 - 17, 2016)
- On
lattices generated by finite Abelian groups, Southern California Discrete Math Symposium 2016,
UCLA, April 16, 2016
- Lattices
from Abelian groups, Workshop on
"Lattices and Applications in Number Theory", Oberwolfach,
Germany (January 17 - 23, 2016)
- Height
bounds for zeros of quadratic forms,
Diophantine Approximation and Related Topics, Aahrus, Denmark
(July 13 - 17, 2015)
- Solving
quadratic equations over Q-bar,
Algebra, Number Theory, and Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Cal
State Northridge (April 29, 2015)
- Height
bounds on zeros of quadratic forms over Q-bar, AMS Special Session: Quadratic Forms in
Arithmetic and Geometry, AMS Spring Western Section
Meeting, Huntsville, AL, March 2015
- Searching
for rational points on varieties over global fields, University of Göttingen, Germany (November 16-22,
- On the
Frobenius problem and its generalization, Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms Seminar, ETH
Zürich, Switzerland, November 11, 2014
- Well-rounded
lattices from algebraic constructions,
TU Berlin, November 5, 2014
- Well-rounded
lattices from algebraic constructions,
plenary lecture at the Workshop on
"Sphere Packings, Lattices, and Designs", Program on "Minimal
Energy Point Sets, Lattices, and Designs", Erwin Schrödinger
International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria (October 27-31, 2014)
- On
stability of ideal lattices from quadratic number fields, ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Integral
Quadratic Forms and Related Topics, Gyeongju, South Korea
(August 7-11, 2014)
- Computational
complexity of lattice problems and cyclic lattices, 2014 Undergraduate Summer Research Program
Polygons and Polynomials, ICERM - Brown University, July 28,
- Heights
and effective theory of quadratic forms over global fields, University of Colorado at Boulder, Number Theory
seminar, Boulder, Colorado (April 3, 2014)
- Well-rounded
lattices from algebraic constructions,
International Conference on The Algebraic and Arithmetic
Theory of Quadratic Forms 2013, Puerto Natales, Patagonia,
Chile (December 16-21, 2013)
- Computational
complexity of lattice problems and cyclic lattices, Colloquium, California State University
Dominguez Hills, October 2013
- Complexity
of lattice problems on cyclic lattices,
Combinatorics Seminar, UCLA, February 2013
- On the
geometry of cyclic lattices, Algebra
and Discrete Mathematics Seminar, UC Davis, Davis, CA,
February 2013
- Computational
complexity of lattice problems and cyclic lattices, Graduate Seminar, California State University
Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA, February 2013
- On
integral well-rounded lattices, Number
Theory Seminar, Max Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn,
Germany, July 2012
- On
integral well-rounded lattices,
Mathematics Colloquium, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2012
- On the
Frobenius problem and its generalization, Number Theory Seminar, Universitaet des
Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, Germany, July 2012
- On
minimal lattice spherical configurations in three dimensions, Analysis Seminar, California State University
Fullerton, April 2012
- Search
bounds with respect to height in linear and quadratic spaces, Minisymposium: Arithmetic aspects of numerical
solving at the SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic
Geometry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North
Carolina (October 6-9, 2011)
- On the
Frobenius problem and its generalization, Colloquium, California State University
Dominguez Hills, September 2011
- On
minimal lattice spherical configurations in three dimensions, Combinatorics Seminar, UCLA, May 2011
- On
distribution of integral well-rounded lattices in the plane, Special Session: Arithmetic of quadratic
forms and integral lattices at the First Joint Meeting
of AMS and Sociedad Mathematica de Chile, Pucon, Chile
(December 15-18, 2010)
- Heights
and effective theory of quadratic forms over global fields, Workshop on the arithmetic of quadratic forms and
integral lattices, Lake Ranco, Chile (December 13-14, 2010)
- Searching
for rational points on varieties over global fields, Colloquium, Uppsala University, November
- On
Siegel's lemma outside of a union of varieties, Oberseminar des Institutes für Algebra und
Geometrie, University of Magdeburg, November 2010
- On the
Frobenius problem and its generalization, Colloquium, University of Rostock, November
- Small
zeros of hermitian forms over quaternion algebras, Number Theory Seminar, Institut de Mathématiques
de Jussieu, Paris, France, October 2010
- On the
Frobenius problem and covering radius of a lattice, Combinatorics Seminar, UCLA, May 2010
- On
distribution of well-rounded lattices in the plane, Number Theory Seminar, UC Irvine, March 2010
- Small
zeros of hermitian forms over quaternion algebras, AMS-KMS Special Session: Arithmetic of
quadratic forms, First Joint Meeting of AMS and Korean
Mathematical Society, Seoul, South Korea (December 16-20,
2009) -- CANCELLED
- On the
Frobenius coin-exchange problem,
Graduate Seminar, California State University Channel Islands,
Camarillo, CA, September 2009
- Points of
small height missing a union of varieties, AMS Special Session: Algebra and Number
Theory with Polyhedra, AMS Spring Western Section
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, February 2009
- Siegel's
lemma outside of a union of varieties,
AMS Special Session: Number Theory, AMS Fall Eastern
Section Meeting, Middletown, CT, October 2008
- On
distribution of well-rounded sublattices of Z^2, Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Institut de
Mathématiques de Bordeaux, University of Bordeaux, France,
June 2008
- On
similarity classes of well-rounded sublattices of Z^2, Oberseminar des Institutes für Algebra und
Geometrie, University of Magdeburg, Germany, June 2008
- On zeta
function of well-rounded sublattices of Z^2, Number Theory Seminar, Institut de Mathématiques
de Jussieu, Paris, France, May 2008
- Sphere
packing, lattices, and Epstein zeta function, Colloquium, California State University at
Los Angeles, April 2008
- Sphere
packing, lattices, and Epstein zeta function, Colloquium, California State University at
Northridge, March 2008
- Frobenius
number, covering radius, and well-rounded lattices, AMS Special Session: The linear Diophantine
problem of Frobenius, Joint Mathematics Meeting, San
Diego, CA, January 2008
- Effective
structure theorems for quadratic spaces via height, Second International Conference on The Algebraic
and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms 2007, Lake
Llanquihue, Chile, December 2007
- Sphere
packing, lattices, and Epstein zeta function, Claremont Mathematics Colloquium, Claremont
Colleges, November 2007
- Effective
theorems for quadratic spaces via height, Number Theory Seminar, UCLA, October 2007
- Frobenius
number, covering radius, and well-rounded lattices, Colloquium, George Mason University, February
- Frobenius
number, covering radius, and well-rounded lattices, Colloquium, Bucknell University, February 2007
- Frobenius
number, covering radius, and well-rounded lattices, Colloquium, Claremont McKenna College, January
- Effective
decompositions of quadratic spaces via heights, Number Theory Seminar, Max Planck Institut für
Mathematik - Bonn, July 2006
- Frobenius
number, covering radius, and ESM lattices, Number Theory Seminar, University of Göttingen,
June 2006
- Quadratic
forms and height functions, Colloquium
of the Graduiertenkolleg, University of Göttingen, June 2006
- On the
linear Diophantine problem of Frobenius,
Oberseminar des Institutes für Algebra und Geometrie ,
University of Magdeburg, June 2006
- On the
Frobenius problem,
Algebra-Geometry-Combinatorics Seminar, San Francisco State
University, May 2006
- Frobenius
number of ESM lattices, Number Theory
Seminar, University of Texas at Austin, February 2006
- The
Frobenius problem and the covering radius of a lattice, Colloquium, Temple University, February 2006
- Effective
theorems for quadratic spaces over the algebraic closure of Q, AMS Special Session on Mahler Measure and
Heights, Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Antonio, TX, January
- Effective
structure theorems for quadratic spaces and their isometries, Number Theory Seminar, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, February 2005
- Heights
and Diophantine problems, Colloquium, Rice University, September
- Small
zeros of quadratic polynomials, Number
Theory Seminar, Texas A&M University, November 2003
- Small
zeros of quadratic forms with linear conditions, Mahler's Measure of Polynomials Conference, Simon
Fraser University, June 2003
Contributed talks
- On sparse
geometry of numbers, AustMS 2020
Meeting Online, Special Session on Number Theory and Algebraic
Geometry, December 2020
- Orthogonal
Siegel's lemma, Illinois Number Theory
Conference, May 2010
- Algebraic
points of small height missing a union of varieties, Western Number Theory Conference, Fort Collins,
CO, December 2008
- Siegel's
lemma outside of a union of varieties,
Number Theory Seminar, UCLA, November 2008
- On
distribution of well-rounded sublattices of Z^2, CNTA10, Waterloo, Canada, July 2008
- Effective
theorems for quadratic spaces via height, Seminaire de theorie des nombres de Chevaleret,
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France, July 2007
- On
distribution of integral well-rounded lattices in dimension
two, Illinois Number Theory Fest, May
- Effective
theorems for quadratic spaces, ICM
2006, Madrid, Spain, August 2006
- Frobenius
problem and the covering radius of a lattice, West Coast Number Theory, Pacific Grove, CA,
December 2005
- Some
effective Diophantine results over the algebraic closure of Q, XXIVth Journées Arithmétiques, Marseilles,
France, July 2005
- Effective
decompositions of quadratic spaces,
ArithmeTexas, College Station, TX, April 2005
- Counting
lattice points in admissible adelic sets, MNTCG2, Urbana-Champaign, IL, February 2005
- On
effective Witt decomposition and Cartan-Dieudonné theorem, West Coast Number Theory Conference, Las Vegas,
NV, December 2004
- Siegel's
lemma with additional conditions,
CNTA8, Toronto, June 2004
- Integral
points of small height outside of a hypersurface, Illinois Number Theory Conference,
Urbana-Champaign, May 2004
- Lattice
points of small height in projective varieties, Integer points in polyhedra, Joint Summer
research conferences, Snowbird, Utah, July 2003
- On a
discrete analogue of the Tarski plank problem, West Coast Number Theory Conference, SFSU, San
Francisco, December 2002
- Points of
small height outside of a collection of subspaces, CNTA7, Montreal, Canada, May 2002
- Small
zeros of quadratic forms over a number field, West Coast Number Theory Conference, Pacific
Grove, CA, December 2001
Educational and expository talks
- From knapsacks and changing coins
to geometry, invited lecture at GEMS:
Gateway to Exploring Mathematical Sciences, Claremont
Colleges, December 2024
- Lecture course on Search Bounds
for Diophantine Equations, week-long
course at the CIMPA Summer School on Lattices, Heights and
Diophantine Approximation, Urgench State University,
Uzbekistan (June 22 - July 5, 2024)
- A
difference in numbers, Introduction to
Faculty Talk Series, Claremont McKenna College, October 2023
- Lecture
course on Algebraic Number Theory,
week-long course at the WAMS Summer School on Lattices,
Diophantine Approximation and Heights, Urgench State
University, Uzbekistan (June 6-10, 2022)
- A
difference in numbers, keynote lecture
for the Center for Talented Youth Science and Technology event
at Claremont McKenna College, October 2018
- The
makings of a good problem: theory and applications, keynote address at the 72nd Annual Convocation,
Claremont McKenna College, September 2018
- A
difference in numbers, invited lecture
at GEMS: Gateway to Exploring Mathematical Sciences, Claremont
Colleges, November 2017
- How to
count to infinity: a combinatorial approach to geometry, a break-out session for the Center for Talented
Youth Science and Technology event at Claremont McKenna
College, March 2017
- How to
count to infinity: a combinatorial approach to geometry, a break-out session for the Center for Talented
Youth Science and Technology event at Claremont McKenna
College, October 2015
- Math for
the New Millennium: Ideas that Change the World, a panel presentation at the Marian Miner Cook
Athenaeum, Claremont McKenna College (joint with A. Aksoy, B.
Hunter, and C.-Y. Kao), October 2015
- A
Challenge for the Millennium: the Million Dollar Problems in
Mathematics, a panel presentation at
the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum, Claremont McKenna College
(joint with M. Huber, D. Needel, and S. Nelson), April 2013
- The
kissing number problem: from Newton and Gauss to the present
day, a lecture in the Claremont
McKenna College Math Club, March 2013
- Math in
the grocery aisle: from stacking oranges to constructing
error-correcting codes, invited
lecture at GEMS: Gateway to Exploring Mathematical Sciences,
Claremont Colleges, February 2009
- Mahler's
measure and Lehmer's conjecture,
Mathematics Graduate Student Organization Seminar, Texas
A&M University, October 2006
- Packing
oranges and constructing error correcting codes, invited lecture to school students as a part of
Math Awareness Month, Texas A&M University, April 2006
- Simultaneous
Diophantine approximations and a conjecture of Minkowski, Introduction to Mathematical Research seminar
series, University of Texas at Austin, March 2006
- Semester
review of calculus, invited lecture to
freshmen engineering students as a part of Texas A&M
Leaders in Freshman Engineering final review series, December
- Diophantine
equations: the mystery of numbers,
invited lecture to high school students as a part of Texas
A&M Summer Honors Invitational Program (SHIP), June 2005
Local seminar talks
- On the illumination problem for
convex sets, Algebra / Number Theory /
Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont Colleges, February 2025
- Lattice angles
and quadratic forms, Algebra /
Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont Colleges,
September 2024
- Primitive elements in number
fields and Diophantine avoidance,
Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont
Colleges, February 2024
- Deep hole
lattices and isogenies of elliptic curves, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, February 2023
- Orthogonality
defect and coherence of cyclotomic lattices, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, February 2023
- Positive
semigroups in lattices and totally real number fields, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, December 2022
- On
discrete subgroups of Euclidean spaces,
Analysis Seminar, Claremont Colleges, December 2022
- On sparse
geometry of numbers, Claremont
Mathematics Colloquium, Claremont Colleges, February 2022
- On frame
coherence and nearly orthogonal lattices, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, February 2022
- Representing
integers by multilinear polynomials,
Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont
Colleges, September 2021
- Covering
point-sets with parallel hyperplanes and sparse signal
recovery, Algebra / Number Theory /
Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont Colleges, February 2020
- Frobenius
problem over number fields, Algebra /
Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont Colleges,
September 2019
- Lattices
from group frames and vertex transitive graphs, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, February 2019
- Algebraic
approach to integer sparse recovery,
Claremont Mathematics Weekend, January 2019
- Digital
sequences for frequency hopping CDMA systems, Applied Mathematics Seminar, Claremont
Colleges, November 2018
- Small
representations of integers by integral quadratic forms, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, September 2018
- An
algebraic perspective on integer sparse recovery, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, October 2017
- Counting
arithmetic lattices in the plane,
Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont
Colleges, February 2017
- Constructing
extremal lattices in Euclidean spaces,
Claremont Mathematics Colloquium, Claremont Colleges, February
- Some
arithmetic constructions with equiangular frames, Claremont Mathematics Weekend, January 2017
- On
effective variations of Kronecker's approximation theorem, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, February 2016
- Arithmetic
lattices and elliptic curves,
Claremont Mathematics Weekend, January 2016
- Optimization
problems on planar lattice transmitter networks, Applied Mathematics Seminar, Claremont
Colleges, October 2015
- Solving
quadratic equations over Q-bar,
Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont
Colleges, September 2015
- On the
Frobenius problem and its generalization, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, October 2014
- Well-rounded
lattices from algebraic constructions,
Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont
Colleges, September 2014
- Automorphism
groups of lattices, Minkowski reduction domain, and
well-rounded retract, Algebra / Number
Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont Colleges, April 2014
- Searching
for rational points on varieties over global fields, Claremont Mathematics Colloquium, Claremont
Colleges, February 2014
- On
stability of ideal lattices from quadratic number fields, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, November 2013
- Complexity
of lattice problems on cyclic lattices,
Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont
Colleges, April 2013
- On a
counting problem in number theory,
Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont
Colleges, October 2012
- On
zeta-function of well-rounded lattices in the plane, Analysis Seminar, Claremont Colleges,
February 2012
- Lattices
must be fat -- no skinny lattice for you!, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, February 2012
- Integer
knapsacks and the Frobenius problem,
Statistics / Operations Research / Math Finance seminar,
Claremont Colleges, April 2011
- On
well-rounded ideal lattices, Algebra /
Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont Colleges,
January 2011
- Revisiting
the hexagonal lattice: on optimal lattice circle packing, Algebra / Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar,
Claremont Colleges, February 2010
- On
minimal lattice spherical configurations in three dimensions, Topology and Geometry seminar, Claremont
Colleges, November 2009
- Diophantine
approximation on a circle, Analysis
Seminar, Claremont Colleges, April 2009
- On
heights of algebraic numbers, Algebra
/ Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont Colleges,
March 2009
- On Tarski
plank problem and its discrete analogues, Analysis Seminar, Claremont Colleges, November
- On
Siegel's lemma, Algebra / Number
Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont Colleges, September
- On
distribution of well-rounded sublattices of Z^2, Analysis Seminar, Claremont Colleges, September
- Mahler's
measure, Lehmer's conjecture, and some connections - II, Analysis Seminar, Claremont Colleges, April 2008
- Mahler's
measure, Lehmer's conjecture, and some connections - I, Analysis Seminar, Claremont Colleges, February
- On zeta
function of well-rounded lattices,
Analysis Seminar, Claremont Colleges, November 2007
- Hilbert's
10-th problem, heights, and search bounds for rational points
on varieties, Parts I and II, Algebra
/ Number Theory / Combinatorics Seminar, Claremont Colleges,
September 2007
- On the
distribution of integral well-rounded lattices in dimension
two, Part II, Number Theory Seminar,
Texas A&M University, February 2007
- On the
distribution of integral well-rounded lattices in dimension
two, Part I, Number Theory Seminar,
Texas A&M University, September 2006
- Effective
theorems for quadratic spaces over Q-bar, Number Theory Seminar, Texas A&M University,
January 2006
- The
Frobenius problem and the covering radius of a lattice, Number Theory Seminar, Texas A&M University,
October 2005
- Some
effective Diophantine results over Q-bar, Number Theory Seminar, Texas A&M
University, April 2005
- On
effective Witt decomposition and Cartan-Dieudonné theorem, Number Theory Seminar, Texas A&M University,
September 2004
- Points of
small height with arithmetic conditions,
Number Theory Seminar, University of Texas at Austin, November
Other special programs and conferences attended
- A 5-day workshop on Perspectives
on Markov numbers, BIRS, Banff, Canada (January 26 - 31,
- Arizona Winter School: Special
Functions and Transcendence, Tucson, AZ, March 2008
ASI 2005: Equidistribution in Number Theory, Montreal,
Canada, July 2005
- Arizona
Winter School: Number Theory and Physics, Austin, TX,
March 2004
Special Program: Web of Modularity, Urbana, IL, June
Summer Program: Excursions in Computational Number Theory
- Polynomials with integer coefficients, Vancouver,
Canada, June 2002; Project and
presentation: Heights of products
of cyclotomic polynomials
- Illinois
Number Theory Conference, Urbana, IL, May 2002
- Arizona
Winter School: Periods, Tucson, AZ, March 2002
Research supervision and mentoring
Postdoctoral fellows supervision
David Krumm (at Claremont McKenna
College), 2013 - 2015
Ph.D. students
Glenn Henshaw, (joint with Wai Kiu Chan)
Ph.D. from Wesleyan University, May 2012
Xun Sun, Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate
University, May 2015
David Kogan, Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate
University, August 2022
Maxwell Forst, Ph.D. from Claremont
Graduate University, August 2023
Sehun Jeong, Ph.D. in progress at
Claremont Graduate University
Stephanie Reyes, Ph.D. in progress at
Claremont Graduate University
Joy Shin, Ph.D. in progress at Claremont
Graduate University
Ph.D. and M.S. thesis committee
Member of the Ph.D. Dissertation Committee
for Ahmed Al Fares (Claremont Graduate University, Ph.D. August
External Examiner for Aled Williams's
Ph.D. Dissertation (Cardiff University, Ph.D. February 2022)
External Examiner for Jose Miguel Cruz's
M.S. Thesis (Universidad de los Andes, M.S. July 2020)
External Examiner for Santiago Cortes
Gomez's M.S. Thesis (Universidad de los Andes, M.S. May 2018)
External Examiner for Dilbak Mohammed's
Ph.D. Dissertation (Cardiff University, Ph.D. December 2016)
Gutachter/Expert Referee for Carsten
Thiel's Ph.D. Dissertation (University of Magdeburg, Ph.D.
February 2014)
External Member of the Ph.D. Dissertation
Committee for Nikolas Rauh (University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D.
May 2013)
External Member of the Ph.D. Dissertation
Committee for Mark Rothlisberger (University of Texas at Austin,
Undergraduate thesis and research
Advisor for senior thesis student Sarah
Covey (Harvey Mudd College, B.A. expected May 2025)
Advisor for senior thesis student Danzhe
Chen (Claremont McKenna College, B.A. expected December 2024)
Second reader for senior thesis student
Daisy Achiriloaie (Scripps College, B.A. May 2024)
Advisor for senior thesis student Tanis
Nielsen (Harvey Mudd College, B.A. May 2023)
Advisor for senior thesis student Carl
Bell (Pomona College, B.A. May 2023)
Advisor for senior thesis student Siki
Wang (Claremont McKenna College, B.A. May 2022, Best Thesis
Advisor for summer research and senior
thesis student Yingqi (Ed) Shi (Claremont McKenna College, B.A.
May 2020, Outstanding Math Major Award)
Advisor for senior thesis student
Alexander Hsu (Claremont McKenna College, B.A. December 2019,
Best Thesis Award and Outstanding Math Major Award)
Advisor for senior thesis student Yuxin
(Jessie) Xin (Claremont McKenna College, B.A. May 2019)
Advisor for senior thesis student Scott
Maislin (Claremont McKenna College, B.A. May 2017)
Advisor for senior thesis student Mia
Siracusa (Scripps College, B.A. May 2017)
Advisor for senior thesis student Michelle
Goodwin (Claremont McKenna College, B.A. May 2016)
Advisor for senior thesis student Emma
Cranston (Scripps College, B.A. May 2016)
Advisor for independent study students
Joshua Corwin and Christian Modjaiso (Pitzer College, Summer
Advisor for senior thesis student Tatiana
Bradley (Scripps College, B.A. May 2015)
Advisor for senior thesis student John
Shaughnessy (Claremont McKenna College, B.A. May 2014, Best
Thesis Award)
Advisor for senior thesis and research
student Michael Mei (Pomona College, B.A. May 2014)
Advisor for research student Arvind Suresh
(Claremont McKenna College, Spring and Summer 2013)
Advisor for senior thesis student Jonathan
Raiman (Pomona College, B.A. May 2013)
Second reader for senior thesis student
Amanda Clemm (Scripps College, B.A. May 2012)
Research programs supervision
- Instructor
and Project Leader for the Claremont Colleges Fletcher Jones
Summer 2011 Research Program for graduate and undergraduate
students, Summer 2011
- Instructor
and Project Leader for an NSF-funded REU program, Claremont
Colleges REU, 2009
Other mentoring activities
- Mentor for the MAA Project
NExT fellow Konrad Aguilar (Pomona College)
Professional activities and
Organizing activities
- Co-organizer
(with W. K. Chan and B.-K. Oh) of the Conference on the
Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms and Lattices, Seoul
National University, Korea (June 9-13, 2025)
- Member of
the scientific committee for the CIMPA Summer School on
Lattices, Heights and Diophantine Approximation, Urgench State
University, Uzbekistan (June 24 - July 5, 2024)
- Co-organizer
(with D. Froncek, Z. Liu and K. Petersen) of the Number Theory
and Combinatorics in Duluth, University of Minnesota Duluth
(July 31 - August 4, 2023)
- Member of
the scientific committee for the WAMS Summer School on
Lattices, Diophantine Approximation and Heights, Urgench State
University, Uzbekistan (June 6-10, 2022)
- Member of
the scientific committee for the Southern California Discrete
Mathematics Symposium, 2020 - present
- Co-organizer
(with Y. Demiroglu and P. Galashin) of the Southern California
Discrete Mathematics Symposium 2022, Claremont, California
(May 1, 2022)
- Co-organizer
(with S. Assaf) of the Southern California Discrete
Mathematics Symposium 2019, Claremont, California (May 4,
- Co-organizer
(with S. Akhtari and C. Petsche) of AMS
Special Session: Diophantine Approximation and Analytic
Number Theory in Honor of Jeffrey Vaaler at the Joint Mathematics Meeting - 2018, San
Diego, California (January 12 - 13, 2013)
- Co-organizer
(with D. Krumm) of AMS Special Session: Heights,
Diophantine problems, and lattices, Riverside,
California (November 2-3, 2013)
- Co-organizer
(with W. K. Chan) of AMS Special
Session: Arithmetic theory of quadratic forms and lattices at the Joint Mathematics Meeting - 2013, San
Diego, California (January 10, 2013)
- Co-organizer
(with W. K. Chan, R. Schulze-Pillot, J. D. Vaaler) of a 5-day
workshop on Diophantine methods, lattices, and arithmetic
theory of quadratic forms, BIRS, Banff, Canada (November
13 - 18, 2011)
- Co-organizer
(with S. Garcia) for the Claremont Mathematics Colloquium,
Claremont Colleges, 2011-2012
- Co-organizer
(with G. Karaali) for the Algebra / Number Theory /
Combinatorics seminar, Claremont Colleges, 2009-present
- Co-organizer
(with M. Beck) of AMS Special Session: Diophantine
problems and discrete geometry, AMS Spring Western
Section Meeting, Claremont, CA, May 2008
- Local
organizer of AMS Spring Western Section Meeting, Claremont,
CA, May 2008
- Organizer
for the Number Theory seminar, Texas A&M University,
- Organizer
for the Working Number Theory seminar, Texas A&M
University, 2004 - 2005
Reviewing and refereeing service
- Referee
for the following journals:
- Journal
of Number Theory
- Canadian
Mathematical Bulletin
- International
Journal of Number Theory
- Mathematics
of Operations Research
- Journal
of Combinatorial Theory A
- Acta
- Proceedings
of the American Mathematical Society
- Advances
in Geometry
- American
Mathematical Monthly
- Mathematica
- Geometriae
- Involve
- Electronic
Journal of Combinatorics
- Proceedings
of the London Mathematical Society
- Journal
de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
- Canadian
Journal of Mathematics
Journal on Discrete Mathematics
- Symposium
on Discrete Algorithms
- Mathematics
of Computation
- Alabama
Journal of Mathematics
- Houston
Journal of Mathematics
- Mathematical
- Moscow
Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory
- Communications
in Mathematics
- Pacific
Journal of Mathematics
- European
Journal of Combinatorics
- Advances
in Mathematics of Communication
- The
Ramanujan Journal
- Discrete
- Discrete
and Computational Geometry
- Cryptography
and Communications
- Computational
and Applied Mathematics
- Linear
Algebra and its Applications
- Designs,
Codes and Cryptography
- Journal
of Analysis
- Combinatorial
- Integers
- Expositiones
- Monatshefte
fur Mathematik
- Mathematical
Research Letters
- La
- Illinois
Journal of Mathematics
Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics
Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry
- Lithuanian
Mathematical Journal
- Journal
of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
- Semigroup
- Archiv
der Mathematik
- Referee
for the following proceedings:
- A
Journey Through Discrete Mathematics
2019 Proceedings
- Referee /
reviewer for the following book publishers:
- Pearson
- W. H.
Freeman Publishing
- Springer
Developments in Mathematics Series
- Cambridge
University Press
- American
Mathematical Society
- Referee
for the following grants and fellowships:
- National
Security Agency
- Canada
Council for the Arts: Killam Program
- Marie
Curie Actions: Career Integration Grant program
- Davidson
Fellows Scholarship program
- Reviewer
for the following reviewing services:
Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet)
- Zentralblatt
Major committee service
- Executive
Committee (EC) of the APT, Claremont McKenna College, 2022 -
- Appointment,
Promotion and Tenure Committee (APT), Claremont McKenna
College, 2021 - 2025
- Claremont
Center for Mathematical Sciences Executive Committee,
Claremont Colleges Consortium (2022 - present; chair 2024 -
- Committee
on Religious Affairs (CORA), Claremont Colleges Consortium,
2016, 2020 - present (chair 2021 - 2024; co-chair 2024 -
- Chaplains
Advisory Board, Claremont Colleges Consortium, 2017 -2018
- Claremont
Hillel Faculty Advisory Board (2016 - present) and Claremont
Chabad Faculty Advisor (2013 - present)
- Admissions
and Financial Aid Committee, Claremont McKenna College, 2011 -
- Quantitative
and Computing Lab Faculty Advisory Committee (founding chair),
Claremont McKenna College, 2017 - 2024
- Faculty
Research Committee, Claremont McKenna College, 2016 - 2017
- Curriculum
Committee and Committee of Chairs, Claremont McKenna College,
2012 - 2014
- Student
Recruitment Committee, Claremont McKenna College, 2008 - 2011
- Athenaeum
Committee, Claremont McKenna College, 2008 - 2009
Special Teaching and Outreach
- Member of
a Zippia expert panel on current analytic job market trends,
January 2021
- Judge for
SOLVE 2019 competition of the Pasadena Unified School District
Math Academy US, May 11, 2019 at CalTech
- 3rd Grade
Math Circle at Chaparral Elementary School (Claremont, CA), AY
2018 - 2019
- Local
organizer for Center for Talented Youth Science and Technology
event at Claremont McKenna College, October 2018
- Judge for
SOLVE 2018 competition of the Pasadena Unified School District
Math Academy US, May 5, 2018 at CalTech
- Chaparral
Elementary School Career Day presentation (Claremont, CA),
February 23, 2018
- Judge for
SOLVE 2017 competition of the Pasadena Unified School District
Math Academy US, May 13, 2017 at CalTech
- Co-organizer
(with D. Needell) of the CMC Math Club, 2013
- Co-organizer
(with CMC Career Services) of the CMC Careers in Mathematics
Event, 2012
- Co-organizer
(with M. O'Neill) of the CMC 4th annual Atul Vyas Memorial
Lecture in Mathematics, 2011
- Speaker
for a GEMS (Gateway to Exploring Mathematical Sciences) event
for middle school students, 2009
- Co-organizer
(with M. O'Neill) of Putnam preparation seminar at Claremont
McKenna, 2007, 2008
- Co-organizer
(with M. O'Neill) of a mathematical problem-solving contest at
Claremont McKenna, 2008
- Speaker
and contest problem grader for Math Awareness event for
elementary, middle, and high school students, 2006
- Assistant
Instructor for an REU/VIGRE course, 2005
- Participated
in Texas A&M Summer Honors Invitational Program (SHIP) for
high school students, 2005
- Instructor
for Emerging Scholars Program (ESP), 2001-2002
- Instructor
for Supplemental Instruction Program (SI), 2001
Courses Taught
- Topics in
Discrete Optimization (graduate topics course), Claremont
Graduate University, Instructor
- Algebraic
and Transcendental Numbers (advanced topics course), Claremont
McKenna College, Instructor
- Geometric
Number Theory (advanced topics course), Claremont McKenna
College, Instructor
- Coding
Theory (advanced topics course), Claremont McKenna College,
- Number
Theory and Connections to Computer Science, Claremont
McKenna College, Instructor
- Transcendental
Number Theory (advanced topics course), Claremont McKenna
College, Instructor
- Algebraic
Number Theory (advanced topics course), Claremont McKenna
College, Instructor
- Abstract
Algebra II: Galois Theory, Claremont McKenna College,
- Abstract
Algebra I, Claremont McKenna College, Instructor
- Discrete
Geometry (advanced topics course), Claremont McKenna
College, Instructor
- Linear
Algebra, Claremont McKenna College, Instructor
- Number
Theory, Claremont McKenna College, Instructor
- Calculus
I, II, III, Calculus III (regular and honors), Claremont
McKenna College, Instructor
- Diophantine
Approximations and Geometry of Numbers (graduate special
topics course), Texas A&M University, Instructor
- Linear
Algebra (Honors) for math and science majors, Texas
A&M University, Instructor
- Linear
Algebra for engineering majors, Texas A&M University,
- Analytic
Geometry and Calculus for math and science majors, Texas
A&M University, Instructor
- Engineering
Calculus II (Honors), Texas A&M University,
Course: Algebraic Methods in Computational Biology, Texas
A&M University, Assistant Instructor
- Methods
of Applied Mathematics I (graduate engineering course), Texas
A&M University, Instructor
- Elementary
Functions and Coordinate Geometry (Precalculus), University
of Texas at Austin, Instructor
- Differential
and Integral Calculus (first and second semesters), University
of Texas at Austin, Teaching Assistant
- Calculus
for Business and Economics, University of Texas at Austin,
Teaching Assistant
- Differential
Equations, University of Texas at Austin, Teaching
Lecture Notes (available on the
webpage in PDF format)
- Search
Bounds for Diophantine Equations: lecture notes for a course
at the CIMPA school on Lattices, Heights and Diophantine
Approximation, Urgench, Uzbekistan, Summer 2024
- Topics in
Discrete Optimization: lecture notes for the graduate topics
course at Claremont Graduate University, Fall 2022
- Geometric
Number Theory: lecture notes for the special topics course at
Claremont McKenna, Spring 2019
- Transcendental
Number Theory: lecture notes for the special topics course at
Claremont McKenna, Spring 2015
- Discrete
Geometry: lecture notes for the special topics course at
Claremont McKenna, Fall 2008 and Fall 2013
- Diophantine
Approximation and Geometry of Numbers: lecture notes for the
special topics course at Texas A&M, Spring 2006
Computing Skills
- Various
UNIX-type operating systems, Windows, Mac OS
- C, C++,
Java, SQL, and other programming languages
CGI, ASP, and other communication protocols
- DB2,
Oracle, and other database systems