
Use the following characters combinations to represent the connectives:
~ not be sure to use a tilde, not just a dash
& and
v or be sure it is lowercase
-> if-then be sure to use only one dash
<-> if and only if  be sure to use only one dash
The program understands the parentheses dropping conventions. Thus the following forms are equally acceptable:

As long as these rules are followed, the program does not care whether or not you have things neatly lined up.
So this is fine: And so is this:
1     (1) P             .A 
2     (2) Q             .A 
3     (3) P&Q->R        .A 
1,2   (4) P&Q           .1,2&I 
1,2,3 (5) R             .3,4->E
1 (1) P .A 
2 (2) Q .A 
3 (3) P&Q->R .A 
1,2 (4) P&Q .1,2&I 
1,2,3 (5) R .3,4->E
If there is an error in your proof, you are given an opportunity to revise it.  After the error message, scroll down the page and your proof will be reprinted there, up until the error point.  Alternatively, you can hit the "BACK" button on your Web-browser.

Note:  There is a known problem with the MacWEB using the Logic Daemon and so it is recommended that you use some other Web broswer if you are using a Macintosh computer.
