Leland de la Durantaye

Literature Department
Claremont McKenna College

Photograph of Leland de la Durantaye

Scholarly Articles

2014. [Forthcoming] “The Subsurface Unity of All Things, or David Foster Wallace’s Free Will.” Gesturing Toward Reality: David Foster Wallace and Philosophy. Edited by Robert K. Bolger and Scott Korb. Bloomsbury Academic Press
2013. [Forthcoming] “Modern Autobiography: Vladimir Nabokov’s Speak, Memory” in The Cambridge Companion to Autobiography: From Augustine to the Present. Edited by Maria DiBattista and Emily Wittman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
2013. [Forthcoming] “The Art of Morality, or on Lolita.” Nabokov and Morality. Edited by Susan Elizabeth Sweeney and Michael Rodgers
2013. “Animals, Humans and Hope. And Interview with Giorgio Agamben.” With an introductory note by Leland de la Durantaye. Bidoun. Spring 2013. 57-61 (Translated by Leland de la Durantaye)
2013. “How To Think In Images: Vladimir Nabokov’s Images, in Theory and Practice.” Lolita: The Story of a Cover Girl. Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel in Art and Design. Ed. John Bertram. Blue Ash, Ohio: Print Books. 160-165
2012. “The Paradigm of Colonialism” in Agamben and Colonialism. Edited by Simone Bignall and Marcelo Svirsky. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 229-238
2012. “On Friendship: An Interview with Giorgio Agamben.” Cabinet Issue 45. 53-54 (Translation by Leland de la Durantaye)
2012. “On Method, the Messiah, Anarchy and Theocracy.” Afterword to The Church and the Kingdom by Giorgio Agamben. London: Seagull Books. 48-62
2011. “Bend Sinister’s Mad Dash or How to Impersonate an Anthropomorphic Deity” in Revising Nabokov Revising. Eds. Shoko Miura, Akiko Nakata and Tadashi Wakashima. Kyoto: The Nabokov Society of Japan. 188-193.
[A Japanese translation of this essay by Tadashi Wakashima was published in 2012 in Kakinaosu Nabokohu, Yominaosu Nabokohu. Kyoto: Kenkyusha.]
2011. “The Republic of Jacques Jouet.” Afterword to Upstaged by Jacques Jouet. Champaign and London: Dalkey Archive Press
2010. “How To Read Philip Roth, or The Ethics of Fiction and the Aesthetics of Fact.” The Cambridge Quarterly. 39: 303-330
Giorgio Agamben: El pensiamento de la excepcíon.” [Translated by Alberto Sánchez Balmisa and Marta Mantecón.] Exit Book: Revista semestral de libros de arte y cultura visual. Number 13. 2010. 85-89.
Review of Alain Badiou’s Pocket Pantheon: Figures of Postwar Philosophy. International Journal of Philosophical Studies. 18.2 Volume 18, Issue 2 (2010): 299 - 303
Review of Imagining Nabokov: Russia Between Art and Politicsby Nina L. Khrushcheva. Modernism/Modernity. 17.2 (2010): 457-458
Giorgio Agamben” in The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory. Edited by Michael Groden, Martin Kreiswirth, and Imre Szeman. Revised third edition.
“Artistic selection. Science and Art in Vladimir Nabokov.” Transitional Nabokov. Edited by Will Norman and Duncan White. Oxford, Bern, New York: Peter Lang, 2009. 55-66.
Review of Solus Rex:  Die schöne böse Welt des Vladimir Nabokov by Michael Maar. Nabokov Studies. Volume 11 (2008): 109-11
The Facts of Fiction, or the Figure of Vladimir Nabokov in W.G. Sebald.Comparative Literature Studies, 2008, Vol. 45 Issue 4, 425-445.
“The Artist and the Ape. On Luxuria and Lolita.” Nabokovian. Number 60. Spring 2008. 38-44.
Homo profanus: Giorgio Agamben’s Profane Philosophy.boundary 2  Volume 35, Number 3, Fall 2008 27-62.
Review of Nabokov ou la cruauté du désir: lecture psychanalytique by Maurice Couturier for NOJ (Nabokov Online Journal). Volume II, 2008.
"Kafka's Reality and Nabokov's Fantasy. On Dwarves, Saints, Beetles, Symbolism and Genius." Comparative Literature Fall 2007. Volume 59, Number 4: 315-331.
“Lolita in Lolita, or the Garden, the Gate and the Critics” Nabokov Studies 10 (2006). 175-197.
“Emendations to Annotated Editions of Lolita. The Nabokovian Number 58. Spring 2007. 6-20.
“Theologie. Die kleine, hässliche Figur im Denken Walter Benjamins.” In: Thomas Khurana / Stefanie Diekmann (Eds.): Latenz. 40 Annäherungen an einen Begriff. Berlin: Kadmos 2007.
The Pattern of Cruelty and the Cruelty of Pattern in Vladimir Nabokov.” The Cambridge Quarterly 2006 35: 301-326.
“The Art of Ignorance: An Afterword to Ludwig Börne.” Harvard Review Issue 31. Fall 2006. 71-76.
“Eichmann, Empathy, and Lolita .” Philosophy and Literature 30.2 (2006) 311-328.
“Biographical Illusion and Methodological Reality. On Pierre Bourdieu's Esquisse pour une auto-analyse. Diacritics 34.2 (2006) 3-13.
“On Cynicism, Dogs, Hair, Elfriede Jelinek and the Nobel Prize.” Harvard Review Issue 29. Fall 2005. 32-39.
“The Exceptional Life of the State: Giorgio Agamben's State of Exception.” Genre. Spring/Summer 2005. 179-196.
“The Suspended Substantive. On Animals and Men in Giorgio Agamben's The Open.” Diacritics 33.2 (2005) 3-9.
“The Cratylic Impulse. Constraint and Work in the Works and Constraints of OuLiPo.” Literary Imagination Winter 2005, Volume 7, Number 1. 121-134.
“Vladimir Nabokov and Sigmund Freud, or a Particular Problem.” American Imago Volume 62, Number 1, Spring 2005, 59-73.
“The Republic of Jacques Jouet.” World Literature Today. September-December 2004. 54-62.
“Le glaive de la liberté” in Regards sur l’antiaméricanisme: Une histoire cultuerelle. Edited by Georgy Katzarov. L’Harmattan: Paris, 2004. 11-28.
"The Materiality of Meaning" in Traveling Concepts II. Meaning, Frame and Metaphor. Joyce Goggin and Michael Burke (eds.). Amsterdam: ASCA Press, 2002. 105-122.
“Agamben's Potential.” Diacritics. 30.2 (2000). 3-28.