US Congress

CMC Gov 101, Spring 2020
Monday and Wednesday 11AM -12:15 PM Classroom:  Kravis 164
J.J. Pitney -- Office: 232 Kravis, Telephone: 909/607-4224
Student Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 1-2 PM, Friday 11 am - noon.
If these times are inconvenient, please make an appointment
 Email:  and Web:
See also my Congress Links page.
Woodrow Wilson wrote: "Like a vast picture thronged with figures of equal prominence and crowded with elaborate and obtrusive details, Congress is hard to see satisfactorily and appreciatively at a single view and from a single stand-point.  Its complicated forms and diversified structure confuse the vision, and conceal the system which underlies its composition.  It is too complex to be understood without effort, without a careful and systematic process of analysis."  In this course, we shall undertake such analysis.  We shall ask how lawmakers behave at home and on Capitol Hill.  We shall study Congress's procedures and structures, with an eye to explaining why some bills pass while others languish. 
Class sessions will include lecture and discussion.  Finish each week's readings before class because our discussions will involve those readings.  We shall also talk about breaking news stories about Congress, so you must read a good daily news source such as Politico or Real Clear Politics.
Our class blog is at  I shall post videos, graphs, news stories, and other material there.  We shall use some of this material in class, and you may review the rest at your convenience.   You will all receive invitations to post to the blog.  (Please let me know if you do not get such an invitation.)  I encourage you to use the blog in these ways: Grades
The following will make up your course grade: Details
  Required Books [Make sure that you get the correct editions of the Davidson and Straus books.]

Schedule  The schedule is subject to change, with advance notice. 
Jan 22:  Introduction

"The art of the compromise,
Hold your nose and close your eyes.
We want our leaders to save the day,
But we don't get a say in what they trade away."
Lin-Manuel Miranda, "The Room Where It Happens," -- our class anthem

What are the major functions of Congress?

Jan 27, 29: Two Political Branches, Two Chambers, Two Congresses, Two Parties     

“Speaker Pelosi wanted leverage -- leverage -- to reach in to the Senate and dictate our trial proceedings to us. Now I’ve made clear from the beginning that no such leverage exists.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

Congress is both a lawmaking body and a representative assembly.  It has two distinct chambers with majority and minority parties. And it must work with the executive branch while checking it. How do these dualities affect its work?
Feb 3, 5:  Impeachment, Hill Style, Home Style, and Congressional Capacity
“I solemnly swear (or affirm) that in all things appertaining to the trial of ____, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help me God.”  -- Oath for Senate Impeachment Trial

What is the purpose of impeachment? What does the current episode reveal about institutional capacity?
 What do “Hill Style” and “Home Style” mean?

Feb 10, 12:  Congressional Elections
"A congressional campaign is a lot like unmedicated childbirth: it's painful, it's messy, you don't think you can do what's required even as you're doing it, you likely consented to it months ago and now you're questioning your decisions, your likelihood to request drugs increases proportionally as you get closer to the big event, you gained weight, you don't realize you're screaming but everyone around you looks distressed, and your mother doesn't remember what it's like. Also, once you get what you want, you'll never sleep again. I'm sure there are things I'm missing, but I hear hormones make you forget so you'll do it every two years."  -- Candace Valenzuela (CMC `06),  2020 candidate for US House, Texas 24.

How do congressional candidates emerge onto the scene? What accounts for the party balance in the House and Senate?

  Feb 17, 19: Parties and Leadership

"So why is compromise so hard in the House? ... [The answer could be this instead: individual members of Congress are responding fairly rationally to their incentives. Most members of the House now come from hyperpartisan districts where they face essentially no threat of losing their seat to the other party. Instead, primary challenges, especially for Republicans, may be the more serious risk." -- Nate Silver
 How do leaders and followers influence each other on Capitol Hill?
  Feb 24, 26: Process  I

"The Affordable Care Act contains more than a few examples of inartful drafting." -- 
Chief Justice John Roberts

Who writes the bills, and how?  What is the role of congressional committees? 

Mar 2, 5:  Process II  

"If procuring votes with offers of employment is what you intend, I’ll fetch a friend from Albany who can supply the skulking men gifted at this kind of shady work. Spare me the indignity of actually speaking to Democrats. Spare you the exposure and liability."  -- William Seward (David Strathairn) in Lincoln
How do members decide how to vote?  What is the relative influence of leadership, constituency, and ideology?  How the "outside game" of media politics complement the "inside game" of legislative maneuvering?

Mar 9, 12:  The Art of the Political Deal

"When you got skin in the game, you stay in the game
But you don’t get a win unless you play in the game."
Lin-Manuel Miranda, "The Room Where It Happens" 

How do lawmakers engage in deliberation and bargaining?

Mar 16, 18:  Spring Break
Mar 23, 25: Congress and the Executive

"It's a temper tantrum by the president. I'm a mother of five, grandmother of nine. I know a temper tantrum when I see one."-- 
Speaker Nancy Pelosi

How do the executive and legislative branches check each other? Do they intrude on each other's legitimate authority?

Apr 6, 8:  Oversight and the Courts

"Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request..." 
26 U.S. Code § 6103

How do the branches battle over control of information?  How does Congress try to influence the composition of the judiciary?  

Apr 13, 15: Budgets and Domestic Policy

"This Act may be cited as the `Stop the Shutdowns Transferring Unnecessary Pain and Inflicting Damage In The coming Years Act.'" [aka, The "Stop STUPDITY Act"] 
-- Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA)
What is domestic policy?  How does Congress handle issues such as employment and health care? 
   Apr 20, 22: National Security, the Two Congresses, and Political Courage
"Politics are changing and you don't want to be the last one holding the dog collar when the oversight committee comes." -- "Dan" (Jason Clarke) to "Maya" (Jessica Chastain) in Zero Dark Thirty
Can Congress effectively check the executive branch in wartime?  Do lawmakers have the expertise and information to make decisions about national and homeland security? What is political courage?
Apr 27, 29: Reviewing Congressional History I
"[B]etween 1830 and 1860, there were more than seventy violent incidents between congressmen in the House and Senate chambers or nearby streets and dueling grounds, most of them long forgotten...I found canings, duel negotiations, and duels; shoving and fistfights; brandished pistols and bowie knives; wild melees in the House; and street fights with fists and the occasional brick." -- Joanne Freeman, The Field of Blood.
How does today's Congress compare with that of the past?  Have lawmakers gotten better or worse?
    May 4, 6:  Reviewing Congressional History II
"It may take courage to battle one's president, one's party, or the overwhelming sentiment of one's nation; but these do not compare, it seems to me, to the courage required of the Senate defying the angry power of the very constituents who control his future."  -- John F. Kennedy
How had divided government worked since the Second World War?  Why has polarization waxed and waned? 
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