glauxbtl<-read.table("",header=T,na.strings="*") #glauxbtl<-read.table("U:/Math 152/GLAUXBTL.txt",header=T,na.strings="*") attach(glauxbtl) glauxbtl Glaux G<-glauxbtl$Glaux[!$Glaux)] Gcount<-Count[!$Glaux)] #Poisson for Glaux ob<-G npq<-Gcount lambda<-sum(ob*npq)/sum(ob) lambda #[1] 5.796 vhat<-(1/sum(ob))*sum(ob*(npq-(lambda))^2) vhat #[1] 6.418384 e<-(1/factorial(0:13))*((lambda)^(0:13))*exp(-lambda) e<-c(e,1-sum(e)) sum(ob)*e #[1] 1.519845 8.809019 25.528538 49.321136 71.466325 82.843764 80.027076 #[8] 66.262419 48.007123 30.916587 17.919254 9.441818 4.560398 2.033236 #[15] 1.343461 #examining the last output, we see that we should pool the first two rows and also the last three rows. e<-c(sum(ob)*(e[1] + e[2]),sum(ob)*e[3:12],sum(ob)*sum(e[13:15])) ob<-c(ob[1] + ob[2],ob[3:12],sum(ob[13:15])) sum((ob-e)^2/e) #[1] 17.61617 1-pchisq(.Last.value,df=10) #[1] 0.06179398 #We conclude that if the Poisson model is correct, then the data are a bit unusual. #Only six percent of such experiments are expected to show worse agreement with the model. #negative binomial for Glaux ob<-G mhat<-lambda khat<-(mhat^2/(vhat-mhat)) #See page 305 in your text for the recursive formula used in the following two lines: p<-(1+mhat/khat)^(-khat) for (j in 1:14) p<-c(p,((khat + j-1)/j)*(mhat/(mhat + khat))*p[length(p)]) #p is now defined as the vector of negative binomial probabilities #Of course one can just write them out since there are only 15. nbdm<-p*sum(ob) nbdm<-c(nbdm[1] + nbdm[2],nbdm[3:13],nbdm[14]+nbdm[15]) ob<-c(ob[1] + ob[2],ob[3:13],ob[14] + ob[15]) sum((ob-nbdm)^2/nbdm) #[1] 13.69613 1-pchisq(.Last.value,df=10) #[1] 0.1873085 #If the negative binomial model is correct than about 19% of such experiments would show worse agreement with the model. # The negative binomial is the more plausible model. #Poisson for Potato ob<-Potato npq<-Count lambda<-sum(ob*npq)/sum(ob) lambda #[1] 4.736545 vhat<-(1/sum(ob))*sum(ob*(npq-(lambda))^2) vhat #[1] 14.99526 #It is already clear from comparing the variance to the mean that the Poisson will not fit the data. e<-(1/factorial(0:27))*((lambda)^(0:27))*exp(-lambda) e<-c(e,1-sum(e)) sum(ob)*e #[1] 2.020352e+01 9.569489e+01 2.266316e+02 3.578169e+02 4.237040e+02 #[6] 4.013786e+02 3.168580e+02 2.144017e+02 1.269404e+02 6.680657e+01 #[11] 3.164323e+01 1.362542e+01 5.378117e+00 1.959515e+00 6.629522e-01 #[16] 2.093402e-01 6.197183e-02 1.726661e-02 4.543560e-03 1.132673e-03 #21] 2.682477e-04 6.050321e-05 1.302619e-05 2.682571e-06 5.294217e-07 #[26] 1.003052e-07 1.827308e-08 3.205602e-09 6.471623e-10 #By inspection alone we can tell that the data has vitually no chance to have come from a #Poisson distribution. A count of 28 has approximate prob. 2.8 *10^-13. # If we pool cells as usual, we might put rows 19,20,21,22 together and rows 23 through 28 together to #get a chi square distribution with 21 -1-1=19 degrees of freedom. The contribution of the last cell to #the chi square would be approx. 3.4 *10^10 #Negative binomial for Potato mhat<-lambda khat<-(mhat^2/(vhat-mhat)) p<-(1+mhat/khat)^(-khat) for (j in 1:29) p<-c(p,((khat + j-1)/j)*(mhat/(mhat + khat))*p[length(p)]) nbdm<-p*sum(ob) nbdm<-c(nbdm[1:19],nbdm[20]+nbdm[21],sum(nbdm[22:28])) ob<-c(ob[1:19],ob[20] + ob[21],sum(ob[22:28])) sum((ob-nbdm)^2/nbdm) #[1] 21.05272 1-pchisq(.Last.value,df=19) #[1] 0.3338953 #The negative binomial is a plausible model for this data.