

Department of Philosophy,
Claremont McKenna College

850 Columbia Ave
Claremont, CA 91711

(909) 607-6845
Office: KRV 276


New Site: http://kreines.net


Travel: Intending to be based in Berlin and travelling in Europe for most of May-June, every year.


Reason in the World: The Philosophical Appeal of Hegel's Metaphysics.

Monograph. 2015. Oxford University Press. Symposiums:  [Humboldt University, Knappik - Stern - Reply ] [Hegel-Studien: Bowman - Pinkard - Tolley - Reply] Reviews : EJP Review Article  - NDPR  - JHP - Philosophy in Review - Universa - THÉMATA - Archives de Philosophie - Phil Review

Hegel on Philosophy in History. 2016,  Cambridge University Press. Co-Edited Volume, with Rachel Zuckert.

(in progress) From Shapeless Abyss to Self-Developing Thought: Hegel and Spinoza. (full draft available on request; feedback welcome)

(in progress) Nothing Halfway: Classical German Philosophy and the Polarizing Importance of the Idea of a System

Essays and Chapters 

“Schelling’s Critique of Hegel: Options and Responses, in the Spirit of Highlighting Shared Insights” forthcoming in Society for German Idealism and Romanticism Review.

“A Theory of German Idealism: Where Philosophy Turns the PSR Upside Down”. Oxford Philosophical Concepts: Principle of Sufficient Reason. Ed. Fatema Amijee and Michael Della Rocca. Forthcoming.

 “For a Dialectic-First Approach to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason”. Open Philosophy. 2022.

"The Reality and Priority of Immanent Teleology: Hegel”. Oxford Philosophical Concepts: Teleology 2020.

“Systematicity and Philosophical Interpretation: Hegel, Pippin, and Changing Debates” Australasian Philosophical Review, 4:2. 2020.

Aristotelian Priority, Metaphysical Definitions of God, and Hegel on Pure Thought as Absolute. Hegel Bulletin 41 (1):19-39 (2020)

Spinoza, Kant and the Transition to Hegel's Subjective Logic: On Arguing For and Against a System. Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain. 2018.

Kant on the Laws of Nature: Restrictive Inflationism and Its Philosophical Advantages. The Monist 100(3) 2017. 

The Limits Of Metatheory And The Interpretation Of Hegel’s System. DRAFT, or Verifiche. XLVI:1 2017.

The Metaphysics of Reason and Hegel's Logic. A Book Symposium on Kreines' Reason in the World. With Bowman, Pinkard and Tolley. Hegel-Studien 50. 2017. 

Metaphysical Grounding and Kant's Things in Themselves: on Allais' Manifest Reality. European Journal of Philosophy, 24:1 2016: 253–266.

Fundamentality without Metaphysical Monism: Replies to Knappik and Stern on Reason in the World. Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 2016. (last draft)

The Idea and the Absolute Idea in Hegel's Science of Logic. in The Oxford Handbook of Hegel.

Kant and Hegel on Teleology and Life from the Perspective of Debates about Free Will, HTML or PDF, 2013 in The Freedom of Life, edited by Thomas Khurana, a third volume in the Freiheit und Gesetz series.

Learning From Hegel What Philosophy is All About: For the Metaphysics of Reason; Against the Priority of Meaning" HTML or PDF, ,Verifiche - Rivista di Scienze Umane 2012

Kant on the Laws of Nature and the Limitations of our Knowledge. European Journal of Philosophy 2009 17 (4):527-558. Free final Draft.

Hegel: Metaphysics without Pre-Critical Monism. Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 57/58 2008 pp. 48-70.  HTML or PDF

The Logic of Life: Hegel’s Philosophical Defense of Teleological Explanation in Biology. The Cambridge Companion to Hegel and Nineteenth-Century Philosophy, edited by F. Beiser. 2008. Free final draft.

Between The Bounds of Experience and Divine Intuition: Kant’s Epistemic Limits and Hegel’s Ambitions.  Inquiry 50:3 2007 306 - 334. Free final draft.

Hegel’s Metaphysics: Changing the Debate. Philosophy Compass. 1:5 (2006): 466-480. Free final draft.

The Inexplicability of Kant's Naturzweck: Kant on Teleology, Explanation and Biology. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 87:3 (2005): 270-311. Free final draft.

Hegel’s Critique of Pure Mechanism and the Philosophical Appeal of the Logic Project. European Journal of Philosophy 12:1 (2004): 38-74. Free final draft.

Work in Progress

The Self-Determining Absolute: Hegel and the Problem of Metaphysical Systems in German Idealism (monograph)

"Kant and the Principle of Sufficient Reason"

"Jacobi and Fichte: The Trap for Idealist Systems"

"Kant against Teleological Explanation of Natural Beings: Restrictive Inflationism"

"Spinoza's God and a Defense of Hegel’s Criticism”. From this conference, Spinoza and Hegel.

“The New Kant: Arguing Against Rationalist Readings”

“Unquenchable Desire Beyond the Bounds Of Experience: Kant on the Unconditioned, Reason and Critique”


"Hegel's Systematic Ambitions": Cambridge Core Hegel Blog.

"Hegel's Swimming Argument": 5minutenhegel.de



Presentations, Upcomming and Recent

“Spinoza’s Abyss as Structuring of Hegel’s Logic” Workshop on Hegel and Spinoza, Potsdam University, June 15, 2024.

"Philosophical Thought in Hegel’s Logic: Dynamic but Not Historically Conditioned", Basel, Workshop „Denken und seine Geschichtlichkeit“ (4.-5.05.24)

“Jacobi’s Leap and the Polarizing Idea of a System: For the Importance of Leaps Before and After Hegel ”, May 10, 2024, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, Copenhagen.

 “Don’t Worry, Being is Nothing: On Being as the Problem of Philosophy”.
* Yale University, April 4, 2024
* Dialectic and Contradiction Conference, University of Valencia, June 5-7, 2024

 “Nothing Halfway: System-Critique and System-Building in German Idealism”
Loyola University, February, 2024.

“How Taking Metaphysics Seriously Structures Hegel’s Logic and the Reasons Animating It”, Seminar Presentation, Northwestern University, February 2024.

“Regulative Ideas and Dialectic-First Rethinking of the Critique: Metaphysical Content, Objects Unknowable”. At “Kant’s Regulative Ideas”, Tel Aviv, June 2023.

“Metaphysics *is* Meta-metaphysics: German Idealism as Polarized by Agreed Importance of the Idea of a System”.

Keynote at “Metametaphysics in German Idealism”, Freiburg, June 2023.

“Post-Kantian Philosophy” workshop, Freie Universitaet Berlin, June 2023.

“From Shapeless Abyss Towards Self-Developing Thought”

     Colloquium for Classical German Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin, June 2023.

      At “Acosmism and Pantheism from Spinoza to German Idealism”, University of Toronto, May, 2023

       New York German Idealism Workshop, New School for Social Research, February 2023.

Short presentation and discussion leader on Hegel on Being, at "Mind and Representation: Approaches in Buddhist and German Idealist Philosophy.”  Princeton, February 2023.

“The Status of the PSR and Reason’s Principle, and the Priority of the Dialectic, in Kant: More Metaphysical, More Critical”. Conference, Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic, Simon Fraser University. October, 2022.

“Essences, Powers, Dispositions, Natures, Oh My! Lessons from New Debates on
the 3rd Way on Kant on Laws and Unknowability” Workshop: Essences, Dispositions, and Laws in Kant, Trier University. August 2022.

"German Idealism: Beyond the PSR". Workshop for Oxford Philosophical Concepts: Teleology, Yale, June 2022.

Keynote speaker, Valencia: “Spinoza, Kant & Hegel On Perspectives, Contradiction & Antinomies” June 6-8. 2022.  Topic: “Kantian Antinomy and Hegel as Reviving and Extending Spinoza’s Metaphysics”

Speaker, Padova Hegel Lecture, May 24th 2022. Lecture: “Kantian Antinomy and Hegel as Reviving and Extending Spinoza’s Metaphysics”

“The Poisoned Chalice of Metaphysical Grounding: German Idealism, Jacobi, and Hegel’s Metaphysical Idealism”. Workshop: “Hegel’s Metaphysics: Dead or Alive?” Freie Universitaet Berlin, May 20 2022.

“Taking Kierkegaardian Leaps Seriously in Approaching Hegel’s Absolute,”, Hegel and Kierkegaard, Princeton, April 2022.

“The Self-Determining Absolute: Renewing the Old Story of Hegel as Idealist Spinoza”,

  • University of Heidelberg, November, 2021

  • University of Toronto, April 2021.

"Jacobi and the Trap for Fichte Between Jacobi and Schelling." Ruhr-Universität Bochum Institut für Philosophie I Forschungszentrum für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie / Hegel-Archiv, Feb 2021.

“German Idealism as Engagements with the Principle of Sufficient Reason”. Classical German Philosophy Colloquium, Humboldt University Berlin, June 2020.

“Absolutely Teleological Metaphysics: Hegel’s Idealism.”  (Virtual) University of Valencia, October 2020.

Kant’s (Critique of/Principle of Sufficient) Reason: The Account of Reason in the First Critique as Guiding. Pacific Study Group of the North American Kant Society, Loyola Marymount University, January 2020.   

June 3 2019: Kant on natural Laws A Workshop with James Kreines. Universität Potsdam.

June 4 2019: "The Principle of Sufficient Reason and Hegel's Absolute Idealism". Ruhr-Universität Bochum Institut für Philosophie I Forschungszentrum für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie / Hegel-Archiv

June 8 2019: Workshop: Hegel's Wirklichkeit and Overcoming Spinoza, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

June 14 2019:  "The Coherence of the Metaphysics of Hegel's Absolute Idealism". Workshop: Method, Metaphysics, and Hegel’s Science of Logic. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

June 15 2019: "Theistic Proofs and Hegel's Argument for the Absolute Idea as Metaphysical Definition of God". Workshop:  Hegel’s Metaphysics of Absolute and Non-Absolute Ideas. Freie Universität Berlin

"Absolute Idealism and the Metaphysical Definitions of God", University of Chicago and Northwestern University, October, 2018. 

"The Coherence and yet Unknowability of Natural Teleology: Seeking Strength in Kant‘s Argument". Workshop: Kants Teleologiekonzeption, Free University, Berlin, July 14. 

"Hegel's Absolute Idealism: Metaphysical Definitions of God and Self-Determining Thought" Conference: Aristotle's God and German Idealism, speaker and co-organizer. Humboldt University, Berlin, July 12

Internationale Tagung: Hegels Theorie des absoluten Geistes. Free University, Berlin. June 14-16. „Hegel on Self-Determining Thought: Arguing for an Unusual Metaphysical Idealism”. 

32nd International Hegel Conference, Tampere, Finland. June 5-9.
Keynote Speaker

New Work on Kant and German Idealism, University of Bergen, June 1

Workshop, University of Potsdam, May 25:
"Kant and the Metametaphysics of Reason and Critique"
"Hegel on the Reality and Priority of Immanent Teleology"

"The Metaphysical Infinite as Self-Determining Thought: Hegel's Idealism" History of Metaphysics: Infinity
University of Toronto, May 5-6

“Hegel's Idealism: The Metaphysics of Insubstantiality and Self-Determination”. At Idealism: The Fourteenth Annual NYU Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy. NYU, November 2017.

"Spinoza on God and a Defense of Hegel's Criticism: The Shapeless Abyss". New School for Social Research, November 2017.

"Immanent Teleology: Defending the Divergent Arguments of Kant and Hegel" (tentative) Columbia University, October 2017

“The Concept as the Substance of Life: The Key to Hegel’s Defense of Natural Teleology”. Workshop for the Oxford Philosophical Concepts: Teleology, Radcliffe, September 2017.

“Against the Principle of Sufficient Reason, but For Complete Causes: Hegel’s Metaphysics of Causality”, keynote speaker, Causality in Hegel/Kausalität bei Hegel conference, LMU Munich, May 2017.

“Unquenchable Desire Beyond the Bounds Of Experience: Kant on the Unconditioned, Reason and Critique” Department talks in Potsdam and Bonn, May 2017.

“Kant, Hegel, and Metaphysical Grounding” University of Valencia, June 2017.  

"Kant, Spinoza and Hegel's Subjective Logic", Reconsidering Hegel's Logic, University of Pittsburgh, April 14-16.

"Spinoza on God and the Finite, the Philosophical Force of Hegel’s Criticisms, and the Influence of Jacobi", workshop, Konstanz.

"Hegel's Response to Kant's Antinomies", Disunity of Reason conference, Freie Universität Berlin.

"Hegel's Philosophy is no Metatheory", Hegel's Philosophy as Meta-Theory conference, Verona, Italy.  

 “Kant’s Restrictive Inflationism: The Laws of Nature and the Critical Philosophy”,  Seminar discussion, Humboldt University, Berlin.

Author meets critics on my Reason in the World. Central APA, March 2016.

"The Dialectic of Kant and Hegel"

    - Universität Tübingen, June 2015.

    - University of California, Riverside, March 2015.

“The New Kant: Arguing Against Rationalist Readings.”

    - Seminar discussion, Universität Tübingen, June 2015.

    - Seminar discussion, Humboldt University, Berlin, November, 2014.

Buchsymposium am Lehrstuhl für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie, Humboldt Universität, November 11, 2014
James Kreines, "Reason in the World. Hegel's Metaphysics and its Philosophical Appeal" 

Precis, and responses to papers on the book by Robert Stern, Sheffield University, and Franz Knappik, Humboldt University

Hegel’s Metaphysical Project: Neither Scientifically Outdated, Nor Vulnerable to Antirealist Critiques“. Tuesday, October 28th, at the University of Padua.

Author-Meets-Critics: Christopher Yeomans, Freedom and Reflection: Hegel and the Logic of Agency
9:00-Noon, Thurs Mar 28, 2013, Pacific APA
Critics: James Kreines (Claremont McKenna College) and Michael Quante (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

Hegel on Holism, the Insubstantiality of Lawful Nature, and Dialectical Metaphysics. Università degli Studi di Padova Scuola di Dottorato di Ricerca in Filosofia. May 2011.

My paper on Redding: Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought; Pacific APA, Vancouver, April 2009. Also see: Redding's response to Brandom and Kreines.

"Kant on the Laws of Nature and the Limitations of our Knowledge." Abstract. Presented at the Pacific Study Group of the North American Kant Society, UCLA.

"Hegel: Metaphysics without Pre-Critical Monism." Presented at the Hegel Society of Great Britain conference, St Edmund's Hall, Oxford: Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit. Sept 2007.